I am back from the break! Drau: Scion has just returned with the final set of revisions and I even had time to take a week off writing altogether. I've not been idle though! I've been making new friends, getting podcast interviews, and more. Now the leaves are turning to reds and browns, the shops are filling up with jack-o-lanterns ( some of them even with Christmas decorations - ridiculously early these days!) and Autumn (that's 'Fall' for you Americans) decorations. So let's take a look at a month's worth of reach outs and co-ops now we are back for the season of change!

Preparing for Longer Nights and Candle Light!
Summer is bleeding out its last little bit of heat but in no time we'll be turning up the thermostat and sticking on a hot chocolate. Though I struggle to find the time, the steady crawl of winter is the best time to attempt to read all the books I have bought over the last six months.

Jessica at: www.instagram.com/a_sprinkle_of_art_and_craft has just the thing to help. Everyone here knows that I strongly support freelance art and Jessica's handmade bookmarks are simply beautiful. Each one is one of a kind - handpainted, laminated, cross-stitch, and paper-craft? What will we see next? Origami?! Check her out and maybe pick up one of her creations at an extremely reasonable price.
Bringing in the Spooky Season
As the nights get longer, it's time to celebrate our inner seasonal goths and Tina Riffey has got your covered. Tina and I have been chatting about her upcoming book. We're both writing similar genres and Tina has her own blog where visitors can read as she writes.

I've been given the very special privilege of being the first to show her cover reveal for her upcoming title Raven Manor. You can check her out at www.tinariffey.blogspot.com to see the latest on her coming book and all those in her portfolio. Worth checking it out.
The BIG Finish...
Heaven knows that this year has been one of the worst in recent history - it's sure to go down in the history books for the year that had such great promise and hope and yet shut down society, generating the most lethal disease to grace humanity! Many are simply waiting for the year to end so that they can start again with 2021. We all need something to look forward to, be that Pumpkin Spice EVERYTHING or stuffing our faces with so much candy a toddler would pewk! But, it's not all doom and gloom. There is light on the horizon. Drau: Scion the second book in The Drau Series will be out this December - Cerberus and Cerberex are back for round two! So many of you have been anxiously waiting for the next in the series and it is almost here. Of course, no release of this caliber would be fit without a launch party and the details on how to get involved with that will be coming very soon - so keep an eye out. In the meantime book one Drau: Blood is available now if you haven't already read it - see the books section of this website, and if you need a monthly hit to get you through the rest of the year, you can sign up to the newsletter (The VIP Lounge) with a new novella extract every month!

October will soon be with us folks! Check back here next week for more and don't forget to share, comment, and hit the little heart button down there.