Never before seen titles, a serialized fiction released to you month after month, up to date information on coming releases, and all this completely and utterly free! Does this sound like something you want?

Something Special This Way Comes...
The advert does as the advert says. If you like fantasy horror fiction then have I got a subscription for you! As previously mentioned in the blog last week, The VIP Lounge launches next month with its FREE subscription service. I won't go into too much detail, you can go and read the full article from last week's blog if you want that, but in short, it is an exclusive opt-in service. Each month subscribers will receive a newsletter detailing all the latest information on upcoming fiction, digital hangouts (while we wrestle with the global issue that is CV19), and release dates; as well as a serialized e-book novella delivered straight to your inbox each month. Does that sound good to you? Well buckle in because here is the best part: It's FREE! Yes, you heard that right. You don't need to pay a dime for it! Obviously, I need to make it clear that there are some terms and conditions that apply to this. There are (sadly) some extremely nefarious people in the world. However, I have done my best to make sure that these are extremely clear, easy to find, and for the most part, it's good old fashioned common sense.
How Do You Get In (Or Get Out)?
So what do you need to do (besides reading those T&Cs)? Why head over to the home page at www.esstephensauthor.co.uk and sign up of course! Scroll down to the bottom of the title page and you'll find all that you need right there waiting for you and it's ready for applicants right now! Anyone already signed up to the mailing list will already be included (I didn't want to put you through the hassle of signing up again) but what if you don't want an exclusive novella series delivered to your inbox? Simply reply to the latest email you received and state that you wish for your details to be removed. Holy cow! It really is that easy.
All the titles in the subscription are written by E S Stephens, award winning fantasy horror writer listed #1 in 'The Best of Spring Reading 2020' across the USA and Canada
A Few Rules and Regulations
So while you're mulling over the idea, let's briefly look at the fine print. First up the most important one: Copyright. Oh yes, be warned and quake in your boots my friends, the big old copyright hammer is here! However, in seriousness, this project has taken some serious effort to get to this point - in fact, it's involved me typing pretty much solidly for quite some time in addition to my current working projects (which are all on course you'll be pleased to hear). I offer them to my subscribers freely and willingly, do me the courtesy of not selling or heaven forbid copying my hard work! I want you to enjoy and quite frankly someone is going to be super pissed with you if they find out they could have had it for free. That said all of these have been copyrighted and you're only going to get a headache from the fallout of it so why bother? Secondly, due to laws in places across the world, I have had to implement an age restriction policy. You must be at least 18 years old to sign up. As is the nature of the 'horror' genre, some of the extracts you will be sent will be - well - horrific (I know, shocking). Blugh! I hate writing all that boring stuff. Of course, I don't want to deter anyone from putting reviews out there and before anyone asks YES you will be able to review these novellas on Good Reads (and please, please do)!
Give Me My FREE Extract!
Whoa there! I know you're keen and all but don't you at least want to see the titles? Check out this picture for a taster of what's in store for you. Now, if you want in from the very beginning, you MUST make sure that you have subscribed by June 14th, 2020. Of course, you are very welcome to subscribe post that date but there are no back editions (although each month comes with a brief summary). Excited? Well, there's one final thing I would ask of you. If you liked this blog, don't forget to scroll down right to the bottom of this and hit that little heart button, share it with your friends and on social media, and most importantly, don't forget to subscribe! Congratulations on making it this far. Your free extract isn't far below.

Get Your FREE Extract Here: