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Monthly Horror Fiction Right to Your Inbox!

Writer's picture: E S StephensE S Stephens

Updated: Feb 23, 2022

If you like horror and you've been suffering under the closure of bookstores and general lack of releases for the genre, then wait no more! In just one week 'The VIP Lounge' will launch its digital subscription box ready to bring a dose of your favorite literature right to your inbox!

What's included?

The VIP Lounge releases on the second Sunday of every month and sends all of its subscribers a newsletter with spotlight authors, releases, progress reports on incoming fiction, press releases, and more. Each newsletter is accompanied by a brand new serialized novella exclusive to the subscription. These novellas are stand-alone works. No previous understanding of the genre required, no previous introduction to the setting. In fact, you might say that it's the perfect way to get a taste of what else is available for you in E S Stephen's portfolio. You have the option of subscribing at any time but back issues are not guaranteed. So, anyone looking to get in on the full collection from the first issue MUST sign up before 14th June 2020.

Launch Day

Launch day is scheduled as previously mentioned, on 14th June 2020. On this day all subscribers will receive their first digital subscription e-mail with all of the hotly anticipated goodies there-in. Of course, it wouldn't be a launch day without some limited run goodies to go with, would it?! From the 14th you'll also be able to get your hands on not one but two limited-time t-shirts and a mug only available till 5th July. For those of you who enjoy social media, there will also be a hype-train that day and that means give-away time. Every new subscriber to the Facebook page PLUS any current subscriber who shares the page to more than 1 location on that day will be entered into a draw to win a signed copy of Drau: Blood and the convention exclusive Last of His Name.

Details, Details, Details...

There's no scam to this. The digital subscription is completely free and will remain so for as long as is possible. No subscriber will get charged a penny and anyone with a change of heart will be removed from the mailing list as soon as they ask. Why would you though, when so little is actually free these days? As you can see, there really are no strings attached. Make sure that you have filled out your subscription form (and read the terms and conditions of the service) on the homepage BEFORE 14th June. After that, you run the risk of not getting the first issue and your subscription will start from issue 2 onwards.

Promoters, Sponsors, and Advertisers

The VIP Lounge aims to be a free service for as long as possible but it can only do that with promoters and sponsors. In these uncertain times, we are all feeling the pinch but if you're an author, illustrator, bookseller, or more than you have the option of featuring within the newsletter. Promotion and advertisement packages are very competitive or you can choose to become a sponsor. The VIP Lounge does NOT spam its readership with useless advertisements but if you have valuable content to share, you would like to sponsor the subscription box for a month or more, or you would like a guest column, then we would like to here from you!

Not Sure If This Is For You?

If you're still on the fence, your cursor still unsure whether to hit that subscribe button, here is but a taste of what you will receive. Check out this small excerpt from issue 1 below, enjoy and make sure that you sign up before 14th June to get more!


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