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Multi Award-Winning Author of the Draurhegar Series
Official Draurhegar Series Site
Good Reads Author Profile
Amazon Author
Drau: Blood
Drau: Scion
The Book of Ashes
The Last of His Name
The Shade Reaver
You've reached the blog spot. Let's talk shop about life and being an author.
3 min read
Because It's Not Always About The Money
Ah, Facebook - you persistently irritate me, and yet I can't quit you! The joys of the author's life am I right? Actually, it's not...
4 min read
I Read Out of My Zone for 1 Week...
"Tasteless, cringe-worthy, and badly written" are my usual feelings towards the 'Shades of Grey' genre, but I was called out that my...
3 min read
Lockdown Slump? How Covid-19 Hit the Industry...
There are some authors out there who could hide away in a log cabin in the middle of nowhere and produce gold standard writing and then...
3 min read
Free Subscription Service - Extract Enclosed!
Never before seen titles, a serialized fiction released to you month after month, up to date information on coming releases, and all this...
3 min read
Have I Lost the Plot? Incoming!
Is it lockdown loco or quarantine dementia? Anyone who frequents my blog knows that I am a strong believer in paying your artists (and...
5 min read
Asked $800 for a Book Cover?!
Ever since I became dare I say 'moderately known' since being picked up at number one in 'The Best of Spring Reading 2020', it's...
2 min read
Happy Easter!
We are not the superheroes of this book - we are the ones that will see it written... Let's face it we all want to sit back enjoy some...
4 min read
Are you an Unfriendly Author (or do you buck the trend)?
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a writer in possession of a published work must NEVER allow their readers to look elsewhere!...
2 min read
Best of Spring Reading 2020
Coronavirus may have hit us all in the gonads but here's a ray of sunshine - The Best of Spring Reading, a list of the top 10 books to...
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