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Multi Award-Winning Author of the Draurhegar Series
Official Draurhegar Series Site
Good Reads Author Profile
Amazon Author
Drau: Blood
Drau: Scion
The Book of Ashes
The Last of His Name
The Shade Reaver
You've reached the blog spot. Let's talk shop about life and being an author.
3 min read
Back From the Break (With new Friends)!
I am back from the break! Drau: Scion has just returned with the final set of revisions and I even had time to take a week off writing...
3 min read
Taking a Break
It's time to take a bit of a break. The schools are out, summer is in full swing, so now seems as good as any to have a breather and...
3 min read
Author Signatures
Now, I know what you are thinking but no, this is not about book signings, press releases, or PR related what have you's! Today's blog is...
3 min read
CRISIS - and you might be responsible!
The world is coming back online but that word 'online' is about to destroy the oldest industry on earth... Are We Willing to Say Goodbye...
5 min read
Amazon, oh Amazon! The Book Buyers Preference?
I have long since come to the conclusion that the only person or indeed people, who understand Amazon is yep, Amazon, and here is why:...
3 min read
Juggling the Work Load
You will undoubtedly notice that today the blog is that much shorter and with good reason. This week I chose to take some time out....
5 min read
Paying for Publicity: Conning Authors
There is a special place in hell for those who con thousands of dollars out of people who work hard and just want to be recognized....
2 min read
LAUNCH DAY! Why Authors (should) have Merchandise.
Today is a special day! It is the launch of the new digital subscription box delivering fiction right to your inbox EVERY month, but...
3 min read
Monthly Horror Fiction Right to Your Inbox!
If you like horror and you've been suffering under the closure of bookstores and general lack of releases for the genre, then wait no...
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